Online store opened after slander based slavery racket in goa exposed
Cybercrime levels are high because tech and internet companies are openly involved in rewarding frauds who criminally defame online workers, investors with lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector.
Usually the community will support investors, workers from the community, but the goan bhandari leaders/offficials allegedly led by cheater chodankar/naik have been extremely vicious in criminally defaming a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor, migrant from north karnataka to ruin her reputation, so that their lazy greedy relative goan bhandari sunaina chodan can rob her resume, data to get great powers, monthly government salary.
The liar top government employees were able to run their online, financial fraud, slavery racket for more than 14 years without being questioned. Only when the single woman engineer, started without the paypal income into her savings account, the financial fraud was clearly exposed.
If the indian internet, tech sectors favorite call girl goan bhandari sunaina chodan was actually doing the computer the internet companies failed to answer why their pet panaji call girl sunaina chodan did not withdraw the money to her own savings account.
After her great slavery,online, financial fraud criminally defaming the investor was exposed, it appears that goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan and her gsb photorgrapher husband were asked to open an online store,
Indian internet sectors refusal to acknowledge investors makes them vulnerable to criminal defamation
Though internet companies like google publish full page advertisements in the times of india, all the top indian internet and tech and companies are openly involved in one of the greatest ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUDS, SLAVERY rackets since 2010, refusing to acknowledge a single woman domain investor, online worker, engineer, migrant from north karnataka.
Instead these LIAR CHEATER top tech, internet companies are criminally defaming her making fake allegations without any proof and rewarding all the lazy greedy goan CALL GIRLS, cheater housewives,and other fraud government employees like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, pune axe bank manager nikhil premchandani who are robbing the data of the single woman engineer to make fake claims of online income, domain ownership and get a monthly government salary.
Usually in all industry sectors, the companies, government agencies are recognizing the real investors, workers, only the indian internet sectors massive fraud of rewarding CHEATERS, LIARS like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, pune axe bank manager sindhi scammer nikhil premchandani with monthly government salary, great powers has made the real domain investor vulnerable to criminal defamation, denied her a life of dignity.
Educated migrants more likely to be targetted for criminal defamation
According to online sources, educated migrants in goa are more likely to be targetted for criminal defamation since they may deny the local goans lucrative jobs. While there are a large number of migrants from karnataka in goa, a majority of them are doing low end manual work like laborers, household help, drivers. These migrants who are not well educated do not pose any challenge to the locals, doing work which the locals do not want to do.
Educcated migrants from other states, may be competition for lucrative government jobs, so these migrants like the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka are criminally defamed, making fake allegations without any legally valid proof, so that they can be cheated, exploited, robbed for the rest of their lives without being questioned.
Romance scammer top government employees deny online workers, investors the income, opportunities they deserved
After robbing the resume, data of online workers, investors to get all their lazy greedy girlfriends, associates lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the internet sector, romance scammer top government employees are extremely ruthless in criminally defaming the online workers, investors, to deny them the income and opportunities they deserve.
The online worker, investors spends a lot of time and money to find new sites, yet all the online money making opportunities are diverted to their lazy greedy girlfriends like bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, haryana gurugram cheater mba ruchita kinge, who is full time optum human resources manager with a salary of Rs 15 lakh, yet extremely ruthless in her SLAVERY racket on hardworking single woman engineers with a good JEE rank, ROBBING their resume, data to get a monthly government salary, indore cheater deepika/veena, gujju cheater stock trader amita patel, panaji goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan and other fraud raw/cbi employees.
These fraud raw/cbi employees are allegedly helped in their resume robbery, data theft, slavery racket by the government employees from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay who hate the online worker, investor and are faking friendship to rob everything from the single woman without being questioned
Due to the denial of opportunities, the revenues of the domain investor are very low, and she cannot even provide writing or other services, because the leads and orders are stolen giving the fake excuse of national security.
Ugly single shoppers framed at malls to exploit them for their life, deny opportunities
One of the best kept secrets of the indian internet sector, is how Ugly single shoppers, investors are framed at malls to exploit them for the rest of their life, deny them the income and opportunities they deserved.
Some very powerful security agency employees with a very good understanding of human psychology and shopping behavior are involved in framing the online investor who is then expected to tolerate the exploitation, financial fraud and slavery for the rest of their life.
The single shopper never intended to rob or cheat, yet was framed and has been victim of slavery, financial fraud, criminal defamation for more than 14 years with tech, internet companies, government agencies refusing to acknowledge the time and money she spends, robbing her data to make fake claims about their lazy greedy cheater employees who refuse to purchase domains, yet get a monthly salary for the rest of lives.
Kindly note that raw/cbi employees especially bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari fraud sunaina, tejas chodan and their associates are not writing content, though these frauds are allegedly making fake claims to get great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor.
Haryana fraudsters also specialize in criminal defamation to get gurugram’s top cheater mba ruchika kinge monthly government salary
After the great success of the SHAMELESS LIAR FRAUD GREEDY gujjus in criminally defaming hardworking harmless innocent professionals , investors to rob their resume, data and get lucrative government jobs, great powers for SHAMELESS GREEDY gujju frauds like amita patel, other greedy cheater indian states like haryana, goa, madhya pradesh, udupi,karnataka and others are also following the footsteps of greedy gujjus in their CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, EXTORTION racket
Though gurugram’s top cheater mba raw employee ruchika kinge, full time optum manager with salary of Rs 15 lakh does not do any computer work for clients outside india, showing haryana officials/leaders are the masters of online fraud in india, the liar haryana officials/leaders are falsely claiming that haryana’s top online cheater ruchika, who does not have online income, owns the mumbai hdfc bank account of a single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka to get haryana’s top cheater great powers, monthly government salary.
Though gurugram’s top cheater mba raw employee ruchika kinge who studied in karnal has lived in haryana and delhi all her life, showing haryana officials/leaders are the top banking, online fraudsters in india, ruchika , shameless fraud is falsely claiming to own the domains, bank account of a single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka wherever she goes, criminally defaming her everywhere, so that haryana fraud ruchika continues to get a monthly government salary for faking domain ownership, online income without paying any expenses in a very lucrative financial fraud.
For the shameless greedy fraud gujjus, making fake allegations against hardworking honest investors is a very lucrative racket
This is posted as a fraud alert so that countries, companies and people are aware that for the SHAMELESS GREEDY FRAUD LIAR gujjus making fake allegations against honest hardworking investors is a very lucrative racket helping them to ROB resumes, data to lucrative central government jobs with great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the real investor.
For example though the shameless greedy gujju FRAUD married stock trader raw employee amita patel, featured in economic times, moneycontrol, hindu business line, did not answer JEE , does not pay domain and other expenses, does not do any computer work due to FAKE ALLEGATIONS, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of the shameless liar greedy fraud gujju officials/leaders led by the cheater tushar parekh, the greedy fraud amita patel is faking her resume, including btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay, ownership of domains, including this one and online income to get a monthly government salary, great powers at the expense of the real domain investor, single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka.
Though she has a net worth of more than Rs 100 crores, and recently purchased a million dollar new office, showing how greedy and shameless the cheater gujjus are in looting migrants from north karnataka to become even richer, the top gujju ONLINE FRAUDSTER raw employee amita patel refuses to purchase even one domain, and with the help of equally shameless fraud husband, jitubhai, continues her EXTORTION RACKET making fake allegations without any legally valid proof, to cheat the single woman engineer of more than Rs 15 lakh annually since 2013.
Since raw, indian government does not have the honesty and humanity to end its financial fraud, slavery on single woman engineers with a good JEE rank, this is posted as a fraud alert, so that countries, companies and people are aware that powerful rich greedy gujjus like the shameless greedy gujju fraudster amita patel are often pathological LIARS making fake allegations against hardworking honest innocent people to CHEAT, EXPLOIT,ROB them for the rest of their life.
Destroying image of online investors to run government SLAVERY racket
In all sectors workers are paid for the work they do spending their time. Though the top tech, internet companies allegedly led by google are millions of dollars in profit, since 2010, they are openly running one of the brutal SLAVERY racket, FINANCIAL FRAUD on a single woman engineer, domain investor, migrant from north karnataka criminally defaming her and falsely claiming that 10-15 lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do not pay expenses, do not do computer work, own this and other domains, to give the frauds great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the online investor.
A look at the systematic criminal defamation of online workers, investors by the rich and powerful communities in india like the scammer sindhis, greedy goans, gujjus, shivalli brahmins, banias, indoris, haryana frauds, liars, top government employees allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay to rob their resume, data, cheat, exploit , commit FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY and get lucrative no work, no investment indian government jobs in the indian internet sector, for lazy greedy married women, young frauds from the rich and powerful communities since 2010.
LIAR GREEDY goan officials/leaders making fake claims about panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan
The LIAR GREEDY goan officials/leaders are fully aware that panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan , sindhi school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil do not do any computer work and also do not pay expenses.
Yet taking advantage of the fact that the leaders/officials from north karnataka usually do not help migrants from the area, and their children, when they are falsely accused, cheated, exploited, robbed, the LIAR goan officials are robbing the data of online investor, workers from north karnataka after criminally defaming them, and then falsely claiming that the lazy greedy goans, sindhis, who do not spend any time and money are doing all the computer work, to get the greedy goans, sindhis, great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the online investor, in a case of SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD.
Income tax returns, bank details and PAN will legally prove that LIAR GREEDY goan officials/leaders making fake claims about panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil